1 for
1. preposition1) (representing, on behalf of, in exchange against) für; (in place of) für; anstelle vonwhat is the German for "buzz"? — wie heißt "buzz" auf Deutsch?
2) (in defence, support, or favour of) fürbe for doing something — dafür sein, etwas zu tun
it's each [man] or every man for himself — jeder ist auf sich selbst gestellt
3) (to the benefit of) für4) (with a view to) für; (conducive[ly] to) zuthey invited me for Christmas/Monday/supper — sie haben mich zu Weihnachten/für Montag/zum Abendessen eingeladen
what is it for? — wofür/wozu ist das?
be saving up for something — auf etwas (Akk.) sparen
a request for help — eine Bitte um Hilfe
take somebody for a ride in the car/a walk — jemanden im Auto spazieren fahren/mit jemandem einen Spaziergang machen
work for a living — für den Lebensunterhalt arbeiten
run/jump etc. for it — loslaufen/-springen usw.
set out for England/the north/an island — nach England/Norden/zu einer Insel aufbrechen
that's Jim for you — das sieht Jim mal wieder ähnlich
9) (as regards)be dressed/ready for dinner — zum Dinner angezogen/fertig sein
have something for breakfast/pudding — etwas zum Frühstück/Nachtisch haben
enough... for — genug... für
too... for — zu... für
there is nothing for it but to do something — es gibt keine andere Möglichkeit, als etwas zu tun
cheque/ bill for £5 — Scheck/Rechnung über od. in Höhe von 5 Pfund
11) (to affect, as if affecting) fürthings don't look very promising for the business — was die Geschäfte angeht, sieht das alles nicht sehr vielversprechend aus
it is wise/advisable for somebody to do something — es ist vernünftig/ratsam, dass jemand etwas tut
it's hopeless for me to try and explain the system — es ist sinnlos, dir das System erklären zu wollen
12) (as being) fürwhat do you take me for? — wofür hältst du mich?
I/you etc. for one — ich/ du usw. für mein[en]/dein[en] usw. Teil
13) (on account of, as penalty of) wegenfamous/well-known for something — berühmt/ bekannt wegen od. für etwas
jump/ shout for joy — vor Freude in die Luft springen/schreien
were it not for you/ your help, I should not be able to do it — ohne dich/deine Hilfe wäre ich nicht dazu in der Lage
15) (in spite of)for all... — trotz...
for all that,... — trotzdem...
16) (on account of the hindrance of) vor (+ Dat.)for fear of... — aus Angst vor (+ Dat.)
but for..., except for... — wenn nicht... gewesen wäre, [dann]...
17) (so far as concerns)for all I know/care... — möglicherweise/was mich betrifft,...
for one thing,... — zunächst einmal...
18) (considering the usual nature of) fürnot bad for a first attempt — nicht schlecht für den ersten Versuch
19) (during) seitwe've/we haven't been here for three years — wir sind seit drei Jahren hier/nicht mehr hier gewesen
we waited for hours/three hours — wir warteten stundenlang/drei Stunden lang
sit here for now or for the moment — bleiben Sie im Augenblick hier sitzen
walk for 20 miles/for another 20 miles — 20 Meilen [weit] gehen/weiter gehen
21)2. conjunctionbe for it — (coll.) dran sein (ugs.); sich auf was gefasst machen können (ugs.)
* * *[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) für3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) für4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) nach6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) für7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) für8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?)9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) dafür10) (because of: for this reason.) wegen, aus11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) für13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) für14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) für15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) trotz2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) denn* * *[fɔ:ʳ, fəʳ, AM fɔ:r, fɚ]II. prepI bought a new collar \for my dog ich habe ein neues Halsband für meinen Hund gekauftthis is a birthday present \for you hier ist ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für dichthere are government subsidies available \for farmers für Bauern gibt es Zuschüsse vom Staatto vote \for sb/sth für jdn/etw stimmenthey voted \for independence in a referendum sie haben sich in einem Referendum für die Unabhängigkeit ausgesprochen▪ to be \for sb/sth für jdn/etw seinhis followers are still \for him seine Anhänger unterstützen ihn noch immerto be \for a good cause für einen guten Zweck seinto be all \for sth ganz für etw akk seinto be \for doing sth dafür sein, dass etw getan wirdare you \for banning smoking in public places? sind Sie dafür, das Rauchen in der Öffentlichkeit zu verbieten?I'm happy \for you that it finally worked out ich freue mich für dich, dass es endlich geklappt hatyou're not making it easy \for me to tell you the truth du machst es mir nicht gerade einfach, dir die Wahrheit zu sagenthe coffee was too strong \for me der Kaffee war mir zu starkluckily \for me, I already had another job zu meinem Glück hatte ich bereits eine andere Stellethe admiration she felt \for him soon died ihre Bewunderung für ihn war schnell verflogenis this seat high enough \for you? ist Ihnen dieser Sitz hoch genug?I feel sorry \for her sie tut mir leidto feel nothing but contempt \for sb/sth nichts als Verachtung für jdn/etw empfinden▪ to be concerned \for sb/sth um jdn/etw besorgt seinto feel \for sb mit jdm fühlenas \for me was mich betrifft [o angeht]Jackie's already left and, as \for me, I'm going at the end of the month Jackie ist schon weg, und was mich angeht, ich gehe Ende des Monatshow are you doing \for money? wie sieht es bei dir mit dem Geld aus?\for my part was mich betrifft\for all I know möglicherweise\for all I know, he could have left the country möglicherweise hat er schon das Land verlassento be responsible \for sth für etw akk verantwortlich seinthe summer has been quite hot \for England für England war das ein ziemlich heißer Sommer▪ to be too big/fast \for sb/sth zu groß/schnell für jdn/etw seinshe's very mature \for her age sie ist für ihr Alter schon sehr reifthe weather is warm \for the time of year für diese Jahreszeit ist das Wetter mildhe's quite thoughtful \for a child of 8 für einen Achtjährigen ist er ziemlich rücksichtsvoll6. (to get, have)oh \for something to drink! hätte ich doch bloß etwas zu trinken!oh \for a strong black coffee! und jetzt einen starken schwarzen Kaffee!he did it \for the fame er tat es, um berühmt zu werdeneven though he's in this \for the money, we still need him auch wenn er es nur wegen des Geldes tut, wir brauchen ihnshe's eager \for a chance to show that she's a capable worker sie möchte gerne beweisen, dass sie eine fähige Mitarbeiterin istdemand \for money Bedarf m an Geldto send \for the doctor den Arzt holento apply \for a job sich akk um eine Stelle bewerbento have a need \for sth etw brauchento look \for a way to do sth nach einer Möglichkeit suchen, etw zu tunto ask \for sth um etw akk bittenhe's an agent \for models and actors er ist Agent für Models und Schauspielernext time you see them, say hi \for me grüß sie von mir, wenn du sie wieder siehstthe messenger was there \for his boss der Bote war in Vertretung seines Chefs dortto do sth \for sb etw für jdn tunto do sth \for oneself etw selbst tun▪ to do sth \for sb/sth etw für jdn/etw tunthey had to do extra work \for their boss sie mussten noch zusätzliche Arbeiten für ihren Chef erledigenI have some things to do \for school ich muss noch etwas für die Schule machenshe is a tutor \for the Open University sie ist Tutorin an der Fernuniversitätto work \for sb/sth bei jdm/etw [o für jdn/etw] arbeitenwhat's that \for? wofür ist das?that's useful \for removing rust damit kann man gut Rost entfernenthat's not \for eating das ist nicht zum Essena course \for beginners in Russian ein Russischkurs für Anfänger\for your information zu Ihrer Information\for the record der Ordnung halberthe spokesman told the press \for the record that the president was in good health der Sprecher sagte der Presse für das Protokoll, der Präsident sei bei guter Gesundheitfor rent/sale zu vermieten/verkaufenbikes \for rent Räder zu vermietento be not \for sale unverkäuflich seinto wait \for sb/sth auf jdn/etw wartento wait \for sb to do sth darauf warten, dass jd etw tut▪ to do sth \for sth/sb etw für etw/jdn tunwhat did you do that \for? wozu hast du das getan?what do you use these enormous scissors \for? wozu brauchst du diese riesige Schere?he is taking medication \for his heart condition er nimmt Medikamente für sein Herzyou need to move closer \for me to hear you du musst ein bisschen näher herkommen, damit ich dich hören kannI don't eat meat \for various reasons ich esse aus verschiedenen Gründen kein FleischI could dance and sing \for joy! ich könnte vor Freude tanzen und singen!he apologized \for being late er entschuldigte sich wegen seiner VerspätungBob was looking all the better \for his three weeks in Spain nach seinen drei Wochen Spanien sah Bob viel besser aushow are you? — fine, and all the better \for seeing you! wie geht's? — gut, und jetzt wo ich dich sehe, gleich noch viel besser!if it hadn't been \for him, we wouldn't be here right now ( form) ohne ihn wären wir jetzt nicht hier\for fear of sth aus Angst vor etw datto be arrested \for murder wegen Mordes verhaftet werdento be famous \for sth für etw akk berühmt seinto love sb \for sth jdn für etw akk liebenshe loves him just \for being himself sie liebt ihn einfach dafür, dass er so ist, wie er istthis train is \for Birmingham dieser Zug fährt nach Birminghamhe made \for home in a hurry er eilte schnell nach Hausejust follow signs \for the town centre folgen Sie einfach den Schildern in die Innenstadtto go \for sb [with one's fists] [mit den Fäusten] auf jdn losgehento run \for sb/sth zu jdm/etw laufenI had to run \for the bus ich musste laufen, um den Bus noch zu kriegen13. (meaning)to be \for sth für etw akk stehenA is \for ‘airlines’ A steht für ‚Airlines‘to stand \for sth etw bedeuten, für etw akk stehenwhat does the M.J. stand \for? María José? was bedeutet M.J.? María José?what's the Spanish word \for ‘vegetarian’? was heißt ‚Vegetarier‘ auf Spanisch?she paid a high price \for loyalty to her boss sie hat einen hohen Preis für die Loyalität zu ihrem Chef gezahltthat's \for cheating on me! das ist dafür, dass du mich betrogen hast!how much did you pay \for your glasses? wie viel hast du für deine Brille gezahlt?a cheque \for £100 eine Scheck über 100 Pfundnot \for a million dollars [or \for all the world] um nichts in der WeltI wouldn't go out with him \for a million dollars ich würde für kein Geld der Welt mit ihm ausgehento do sth \for nothing etw umsonst machento buy/sell sth \for 100 euro/a lot of money etw für 100 Euro/viel Geld kaufen/verkaufenyou can buy a bestseller \for about £6 Sie bekommen einen Bestseller schon für 6 Pfundto trade sth \for sth etw gegen etw akk [ein]tauschenI'm just going to sleep \for half an hour ich lege mich mal eine halbe Stunde schlafenhe was jailed \for twelve years er musste für zwölf Jahre ins Gefängnismy father has been smoking \for 10 years mein Vater raucht seit 10 Jahren\for the next two days in den beiden nächsten Tagen\for a bit/while ein bisschen/eine Weileplay here \for a while! spiel doch mal ein bisschen hier!I'm just going out \for a while ich gehe mal kurz raus fam\for eternity/ever bis in alle Ewigkeitthis pact is \for ever dieser Pakt gilt für immer und ewig\for the moment im Augenblick\for a time eine Zeit lang\for a long time seit LangemI hadn't seen him \for such a long time that I didn't recognize him ich hatte ihn schon so lange nicht mehr gesehen, dass ich ihn nicht erkannte\for some time seit Längerem\for the time being für den Augenblick, vorübergehend16. (a distance of)\for a kilometre/mile einen Kilometer/eine Meilehe always jogs \for 5 kilometres before breakfast er joggt immer 5 Kilometer vor dem Frühstückhe booked a table at the restaurant \for nine o'clock er reservierte in dem Restaurant einen Tisch für neun Uhrthey set their wedding date \for September 15 sie setzten ihre Hochzeit für den 15. September festI need some money \for tonight ich brauche etwas Geld für heute Abendwhat did you buy him \for Christmas? was hast du ihm zu Weihnachten gekauft?he arrived at 8.00 \for dinner at 8.30 er kam um acht zu dem für halb neun verabredeten Abendessento invite sb \for dinner/lunch jdn zum Abendessen/Mittagessen einladen\for the first time zum ersten Mal\for the [very] last time zum [aller]letzten Mal\for the first/second time running im ersten/zweiten Durchlauf, ungeachtet +gen geh\for all that trotz alledem\for all his effort, the experiment was a failure das Experiment war trotz all seiner Anstrengungen ein Fehlschlagthere is one teacher \for every 25 students in our school in unserer Schule kommt auf 25 Schüler ein Lehrer\for every cigarette you smoke, you take off one day of your life mit jeder Zigarette, die du rauchst, verkürzt sich dein Leben um einen Tagto repeat sth word \for word etw Wort für Wort wiederholen20. (the duty of)▪ to [not] be \for sb to do sth [nicht] jds Sache sein, etw zu tunit's not \for me to tell her what to do es ist nicht meine Aufgabe, ihr vorzuschreiben, was sie zu tun hatthe decision is not \for him to make die Entscheidung liegt nicht bei ihmshe thought it \for a lie but didn't say anything sie hielt es für gelogen, sagte aber nichtsI \for one am sick of this bickering ich für meinen Teil habe genug von diesem Gezänk22.I've got homework \for Africa ich habe noch jede Menge Hausaufgaben famyou're in \for it! jetzt bist du dran! fam▶ \for crying out loud um Himmels willen▶ an eye \for an eye Auge um Auge▶ that's Jane/Mark/etc. \for you so ist Jane/Mark/etc. eben!, das sieht Jane/Mark/etc. mal wieder ähnlich!, das ist wieder mal typisch für Jane/Mark/etc.!that's children \for you! so sind Kinder eben!there's gratitude \for you! und so was nennt sich Dankbarkeit! famthere's manners \for you! das sind [mir] ja schöne Manieren! iron fam* * *I [fɔː(r)]1. prepclothes for children — Kleidung f für Kinder, Kinderkleidung f
what for? — wofür?, wozu?
what is this knife for? — wozu dient dieses Messer?
what did you do that for? —
a room for working in/sewing — ein Zimmer zum Arbeiten/Nähen
a bag for carrying books (in) — eine Tasche, um Bücher zu tragen
fit for nothing —
ready for anything —
this will do for a hammer — das kann man als Hammer nehmen
to leave for the USA — in die USA or nach Amerika abreisen
he swam for the shore — er schwamm auf die Küste zu, er schwamm in Richtung Küste
2)it's not for you to ask questions — Sie haben kein Recht, Fragen zu stellenit's not for me to say — es steht mir nicht zu, mich dazu zu äußern
3)(= representing, instead of)
I'll speak to her for you if you like —I need someone to make up my mind for me — ich brauche jemanden, der die Entscheidung für mich trifft
agent for Renault — Vertreter(in) m(f) für Renault
she works for a bank (in the bank) — sie arbeitet bei or in einer Bank; (outside the bank) sie arbeitet für eine Bank
4) (= in defence, in favour of) fürI'm all for it — ich bin ganz or sehr dafür
I'm all for helping him —
5)(= with regard to)
anxious for sb — um jdn besorgtas for him/that — was ihn/das betrifft
warm/cold for the time of year — warm/kalt für die Jahreszeit
it's all right or all very well for you (to talk) — Sie haben gut reden
6) (= because of) aushe did it for fear of being left — er tat es aus Angst, zurückgelassen zu werden
he is famous for his jokes/his big nose — er ist für seine Witze bekannt/wegen seiner großen Nase berühmt
to go to prison for theft — wegen Diebstahls ins Gefängnis wandern
do it for me — tu es für mich
7) (= in spite of) trotz (+gen or (inf) +dat)for all that, you should have warned me — Sie hätten mich trotz allem warnen sollen
8) (= in exchange) fürto pay four euros for a ticket — vier Euro für eine Fahrkarte zahlen
he'll do it for ten pounds —
9)(= in contrast)
for every job that is created, two are lost — für jede Stelle, die neu geschaffen wird, gehen zwei verloren10) (in time) seit; (with future tense) fürI had/have known her for years — ich kannte/kenne sie schon seit Jahren
then I did not see her for two years — dann habe ich sie zwei Jahre lang nicht gesehen
he won't be back for a week — er wird erst in einer Woche zurück sein
can you get it done for Monday/this time next week? — können Sie es bis or für Montag/bis in einer Woche fertig haben?
for a while/time — (für) eine Weile/einige Zeit
11)the road is lined with trees for two miles — die Straße ist auf or über zwei Meilen mit Bäumen gesäumt12)to pray for peace — für den or um Frieden betenSee:→ vbs13) (after n: indicating liking, aptitude etc) fürhis knack for saying the wrong thing — sein Talent, das Falsche zu sagen
14)for this to be possible — damit dies möglich wirdit's easy for him to do it — für ihn ist es leicht, das zu tun, er kann das leicht tun
I brought it for you to see — ich habe es mitgebracht, damit Sie es sich (dat) ansehen können
the best thing would be for you to leave — das Beste wäre, wenn Sie weggingen
their one hope is for him to return — ihre einzige Hoffnung ist, dass er zurückkommt
15)to do sth for oneself — etw alleine tun2. conjdenn3. adj pred(= in favour) dafürII abbr frei Bahn17 were for, 13 against — 17 waren dafür, 13 dagegen
* * *A präp1. allg für:it was very awkward for her es war sehr peinlich für sie, es war ihr sehr unangenehm;she brought a letter for me to sign sie brachte mir einen Brief zur Unterschrift2. für, zugunsten von:a gift for him ein Geschenk für ihn;this letter is for me dieser Brief ist an mich;3. für, (mit der Absicht) zu, um (… willen):apply for the post sich um die Stellung bewerben;die for a cause für eine Sache sterben;come for dinner zum Essen kommen4. (Wunsch, Ziel) nach, auf (akk):a claim for sth ein Anspruch auf eine Sache;the desire for sth der Wunsch oder das Verlangen nach etwas;call for sb nach jemandem rufen;wait for sth auf etwas warten;oh, for a car! ach, hätte ich doch nur ein Auto!5. a) (passend oder geeignet) fürtools for cutting Werkzeuge zum Schneiden, Schneidewerkzeuge;the right man for the job der richtige Mann für diesen Posten6. (Mittel) gegen:treat sb for cancer jemanden gegen oder auf Krebs behandeln;there is nothing for it but to give in es bleibt nichts (anderes) übrig, als nachzugeben7. (als Belohnung) für:8. (als Entgelt) für, gegen, um:I sold it for £10 ich verkaufte es für 10 Pfund9. (im Tausch) für, gegen:10. (Betrag, Menge) über (akk):a postal order for £2for this reason aus diesem Grund;die for grief aus oder vor Gram sterben;weep for joy aus oder vor Freude weinen;I can’t see for the fog ich kann nichts sehen wegen des Nebels oder vor lauter Nebel;she couldn’t speak for laughing sie konnte vor (lauter) Lachen nicht sprechen12. (als Strafe etc) für, wegen:13. dank, wegen:were it not for his energy wenn er nicht so energisch wäre, dank seiner Energie;if it wasn’t for him wenn er nicht wäre, ohne ihn; he would never have done it, if it hadn’t been for me talking him into it wenn ich ihn nicht dazu überredet hätte14. für, in Anbetracht (gen), im Hinblick auf (akk), im Verhältnis zu:he is tall for his age er ist groß für sein Alter;it is rather cold for July es ist ziemlich kalt für Juli;for a foreigner he speaks English fairly well für einen Ausländer spricht er recht gut Englischan eye for beauty Sinn für das Schönefor a week eine Woche (lang);come for a week komme auf oder für eine Woche;for hours stundenlang;for a long time past schon seit Langem;not for a long time noch lange nicht;the first picture for two months der erste Film in oder seit zwei Monaten;for months ahead auf Monate (hinaus)17. (Strecke) weit, lang:run for a mile eine Meile (weit) laufen18. nach, auf (akk), in Richtung auf (akk):the train for London der Zug nach London;the passengers for Rome die nach Rom reisenden Passagiere;start for Paris nach Paris abreisen;19. für, anstelle von (oder gen), (an)statt:act for sb in jemandes Auftrag handeln21. für, als:books for presents Bücher als Geschenk;they were sold for slaves sie wurden als Sklaven verkauft;take that for an answer nimm das als Antwort22. trotz (gen oder dat), ungeachtet (gen):for all that trotz alledem;for all his wealth trotz seines ganzen Reichtums, bei allem Reichtum;for all you may say sage, was du willst23. as for was … betrifft:as for that matter was das betrifft;for all I know soviel ich weiß;for all of me meinetwegen, von mir aus24. nach adj und vor inf:it is too heavy for me to lift es ist so schwer, dass ich es nicht heben kann;it is impossible for me to come es ist mir unmöglich zu kommen, ich kann unmöglich kommen;it seemed useless for me to continue es erschien mir sinnlos, noch weiterzumachen25. mit s oder pron und inf:it is time for you to go home es ist Zeit, dass du heimgehst; es ist Zeit für dich heimzugehen;it is for you to decide die Entscheidung liegt bei Ihnen;a) es ist nicht deine Sache zu inf,b) es steht dir nicht zu inf;he called for the girl to bring him some tea er rief nach dem Mädchen und bat es, ihm Tee zu bringen;don’t wait for him to turn up yet wartet nicht darauf, dass er noch auftaucht;there is no need for anyone to know es braucht niemand zu wissen26. (ethischer Dativ):that’s a wine for you das ist vielleicht ein Weinchen, das nenne ich einen Wein27. US nach:B konj denn, weil, nämlich* * *1. preposition1) (representing, on behalf of, in exchange against) für; (in place of) für; anstelle vonwhat is the German for "buzz"? — wie heißt "buzz" auf Deutsch?
2) (in defence, support, or favour of) fürbe for doing something — dafür sein, etwas zu tun
it's each [man] or every man for himself — jeder ist auf sich selbst gestellt
3) (to the benefit of) für4) (with a view to) für; (conducive[ly] to) zuthey invited me for Christmas/Monday/supper — sie haben mich zu Weihnachten/für Montag/zum Abendessen eingeladen
what is it for? — wofür/wozu ist das?
be saving up for something — auf etwas (Akk.) sparen
5) (being the motive of) für; (having as purpose) zu6) (to obtain, win, save)take somebody for a ride in the car/a walk — jemanden im Auto spazieren fahren/mit jemandem einen Spaziergang machen
run/jump etc. for it — loslaufen/-springen usw.
7) (to reach) nachset out for England/the north/an island — nach England/Norden/zu einer Insel aufbrechen
8) (to be received by) für9) (as regards)be dressed/ready for dinner — zum Dinner angezogen/fertig sein
have something for breakfast/pudding — etwas zum Frühstück/Nachtisch haben
enough... for — genug... für
too... for — zu... für
there is nothing for it but to do something — es gibt keine andere Möglichkeit, als etwas zu tun
cheque/ bill for £5 — Scheck/Rechnung über od. in Höhe von 5 Pfund
11) (to affect, as if affecting) fürthings don't look very promising for the business — was die Geschäfte angeht, sieht das alles nicht sehr vielversprechend aus
it is wise/advisable for somebody to do something — es ist vernünftig/ratsam, dass jemand etwas tut
it's hopeless for me to try and explain the system — es ist sinnlos, dir das System erklären zu wollen
12) (as being) fürI/you etc. for one — ich/ du usw. für mein[en]/dein[en] usw. Teil
13) (on account of, as penalty of) wegenfamous/well-known for something — berühmt/ bekannt wegen od. für etwas
jump/ shout for joy — vor Freude in die Luft springen/schreien
were it not for you/ your help, I should not be able to do it — ohne dich/deine Hilfe wäre ich nicht dazu in der Lage
15) (in spite of)for all... — trotz...
for all that,... — trotzdem...
16) (on account of the hindrance of) vor (+ Dat.)for fear of... — aus Angst vor (+ Dat.)
but for..., except for... — wenn nicht... gewesen wäre, [dann]...
for all I know/care... — möglicherweise/was mich betrifft,...
for one thing,... — zunächst einmal...
19) (during) seitwe've/we haven't been here for three years — wir sind seit drei Jahren hier/nicht mehr hier gewesen
we waited for hours/three hours — wir warteten stundenlang/drei Stunden lang
sit here for now or for the moment — bleiben Sie im Augenblick hier sitzen
walk for 20 miles/for another 20 miles — 20 Meilen [weit] gehen/weiter gehen
21)2. conjunctionbe for it — (coll.) dran sein (ugs.); sich auf was gefasst machen können (ugs.)
(since, as proof) denn* * *conj.als konj.denn konj.für konj.nach konj.zu konj. -
2 ready
1. adjective1) (prepared) fertigbe ready to do something — bereit sein, etwas zu tun
I'm not ready to go to the cinema yet — ich kann jetzt noch nicht ins Kino gehen
the troops are ready to march/for battle — die Truppen sind marsch-/gefechtsbereit
be ready for work/school — zur Arbeit/für die Schule bereit sein; (about to leave) für die Arbeit/Schule fertig sein
be ready for somebody — bereit sein, sich jemandem zu stellen
ready, set or steady, go! — Achtung, fertig, los!
2) (willing) bereit3) (prompt) schnellhave ready, be ready with — parat haben, nicht verlegen sein um [Antwort, Ausrede, Vorschlag]
4) (likely) im Begriffbe ready to cry — den Tränen nahe sein
5) (within reach) griffbereit [Fahrkarte, Taschenlampe, Waffe]2. adverb 3. nounat the ready — schussbereit, im Anschlag [Schusswaffe]
* * *['redi]1) ((negative unready) prepared; able to be used etc immediately or when needed; able to do (something) immediately or when necessary: I've packed our cases, so we're ready to leave; Is tea ready yet?; Your coat has been cleaned and is ready (to be collected).) fertig2) ((negative unready) willing: I'm always ready to help.) bereit4) (likely, about (to do something): My head feels as if it's ready to burst.) im Begriff•- academic.ru/60499/readiness">readiness- readily
- ready cash
- ready-made
- ready money
- ready-to-wear
- in readiness* * *[ˈredi]I. adjto be \ready [for sth] [für etw akk] bereit seinI hope you have made \ready for the trip ich hoffe, du bist reisefertig▪ to be \ready to do sth bereit sein, etw zu tunthe waiter asked, “are you \ready to order?” der Ober fragte: „haben Sie schon gewählt?“to get \ready to get out/leave sich akk zum Ausgehen/Weggehen fertig machento get a meal \ready ein Essen vorbereitento get sb \ready [for sth] jdn [auf etw akk] vorbereitento be \ready and waiting bereit sein2. (willing)▪ to be \ready to do sth bereit sein, etw zu tun▪ to be \ready with sth etw gerne [o bereitwillig] gebenhe is always \ready with compliments er verteilt gerne Komplimente3. (on verge of)▪ to be \ready to do sth kurz davorstehen, etw zu tunhe looked \ready to collapse er sah aus, als würde er gleich zusammenbrechen4. (immediately available) verfügbar\ready supply sofort verfügbarer Nachschub\ready to hand zur Hand, griffbereitto find \ready acceptance bereitwillig aufgenommen werden\ready access schneller Zugang\ready mind wacher Verstandto have a \ready reply immer eine Antwort parat habento have a \ready tongue [or wit] schlagfertig seinto be too \ready to do sth etw allzu schnell tunto be \ready for a drink etw zum Trinken brauchen [o trinken müssen]to be \ready for a fight kämpfen wollen7.to be short of the \ready nicht flüssig [o knapp bei Kasse] sein fam▶ at the \ready bereithe stood by the phone, pencil at the \ready er stand mit gezücktem Bleistift am TelefonIII. vt<- ie->* * *['redɪ]1. adj1) (= prepared) person, thing bereit, fertig; answer, excuse parat, vorformuliert; (= finished, cooked etc) fertigready to leave — abmarschbereit; (for journey) abfahrtbereit, reisefertig
ready for action — bereit zum Angriff, klar zum Angriff or Gefecht
"dinner's ready" — "essen kommen", "zum Essen"
are you ready to go? — sind Sie so weit?, kann es losgehen?
are you ready to push? are you ready to take the weight? — alles fertig zum Schieben? können Sie das Gewicht jetzt übernehmen?
are you ready to order? — sind Sie so weit?, möchten Sie jetzt bestellen?
well, I think we're ready — ich glaube, wir sind so weit
the final treaty will be ready for signing tomorrow — der endgültige Vertrag wird morgen zum Unterzeichnen fertig sein or bereitliegen
I'm ready for him! — ich warte nur auf ihn, er soll nur kommen
to get ready to go out/play tennis — sich zum Ausgehen/Tennisspielen fertig machen
get ready for it! (before blow etc) (before momentous news) to get or make sth ready room, bed, breakfast etc — Achtung!, pass auf! mach dich auf was gefasst (inf) etw fertig machen, etw bereitmachen etw vorbereiten
to get sth/sb ready (for sth/to do sth) —
to make ready (for sth/to do sth) — sich fertig machen (für etw/zum Tun von etw)
we were all ready to sleep (expressing need) — wir brauchten alle Schlaf, wir waren alle kurz davor, einzuschlafen
ready when you are —
ready, steady, go! (Brit) — Achtung or auf die Plätze, fertig, los!
2) (= quick) explanation fertig, zur Hand pred; smile rasch, schnell; supply griffbereit, zur Hand pred; market schnell; availability schnell, griffbereit, zur Handhe's always ready to find fault — er ist immer schnell dabei, wenn es gilt, Fehler zu finden
they are only too ready to let us do all the work —
don't be so ready to criticize I'm ready to believe it — kritisieren Sie doch nicht so schnell ich möchte das fast glauben
he was ready to cry — er war den Tränen nahe
ready, willing and able (to do sth) — bereit, fertig und willens(, etw zu tun)
4)(= available)
ready money — jederzeit verfügbares Geldready cash — Bargeld nt
to pay in ready cash —
ready to hand "now ready" — zur Hand "jetzt zu haben"
2. n1)to come to the ready — das Gewehr in Anschlag nehmen
2)See:→ also readies3. vt(form: prepare) object vorbereiten, fertig machento ready oneself to do sth — sich vorbereiten, etw zu tun or sich vorbereiten für etw
4. vi (form)to ready for sth — auf dem Weg or unterwegs sein zu etw
to ready to do sth — im Begriff sein or stehen, etw zu tun, drauf und dran sein, etw zu tun
* * *ready [ˈredı]1. bereit, fertig ( beide:for sth zu etwas;a) bereit, gerüstet,b) MIL einsatzbereit;ready for battle MIL gefechtsbereit;ready for dispatch versandfertig;ready for sea SCHIFF seeklar;ready for the start SPORT startbereit;ready for take-off FLUG startbereit, -klar;ready for use gebrauchsfertig;ready to move into bezugsfertig (Haus etc);be ready with sth etwas bereithaben oder bereithalten;get ready for an examination sich auf eine Prüfung vorbereiten;get ready to hear some unpleasant things US umg machen Sie sich auf einige unangenehme Dinge gefasst!;have our bill ready, please machen Sie bitte unsere Rechnung fertig (im Hotel);make ready for sich bereit machen oder fertig machen für;ready when you are meinetwegen können wir;2. bereit, geneigt ( beide:for sth zu etwas;to do zu tun):ready for bed bettreif;ready for death zum Sterben bereit;ready to help hilfsbereit, -willig3. a) schnell, rasch, prompt (Zustimmung etc):b) bereitwillig4. a) schlagfertig, prompt (Antwort etc):ready wit Schlagfertigkeit fb) geschickt, gewandt:a ready pen eine gewandte Feder5. schnell bereit oder bei der Hand:6. im Begriff, nahe daran, drauf und dran ( alle:for ready cash gegen sofortige Kasse;ready money Bargeld n;ready money business Bar-, Kassageschäft n8. bequem, leicht:C sbe short of the ready knapp bei Kasse seinhave one’s camera at the ready seine Kamera aufnahmebereit haltenD adv in Zusammensetzungen:ready-built house Fertighaus n;ready-cooked meal Fertiggericht n;ready-packed abgepackt* * *1. adjective1) (prepared) fertigbe ready to do something — bereit sein, etwas zu tun
the troops are ready to march/for battle — die Truppen sind marsch-/gefechtsbereit
be ready for work/school — zur Arbeit/für die Schule bereit sein; (about to leave) für die Arbeit/Schule fertig sein
be ready for somebody — bereit sein, sich jemandem zu stellen
ready, set or steady, go! — Achtung, fertig, los!
2) (willing) bereit3) (prompt) schnellhave ready, be ready with — parat haben, nicht verlegen sein um [Antwort, Ausrede, Vorschlag]
4) (likely) im Begriff5) (within reach) griffbereit [Fahrkarte, Taschenlampe, Waffe]2. adverb 3. nounat the ready — schussbereit, im Anschlag [Schusswaffe]
* * *(for) adj.bereit (für) adj.fertig adj.vorbereitet adj. adj.bereit adj. -
3 ready
1. [ʹredı] n (обыкн. the ready)1. разг. наличные (деньги)stacks of the ready - ≅ денег куры не клюют
plank down the ready - ≅ деньги на бочку
2. воен. изготовка2. [ʹredı] a1. predic готовый; подготовленный, приготовленныйare you ready for the journey? - вы готовы к поездке?, вы собрались в дорогу?
to get /to make/ ready - а) готовить, подготавливать; get the children ready for a walk - соберите детей на прогулку; make the room ready for dancing - освободите комнату для танцев; б) собираться
get ready quickly! - собирайтесь скорее!
she is not ready for company - она не готова к приёму гостей, она не одета
he is ready for you now - он вас просит к себе, он может вас сейчас принять
2. 1) predic проявляющий готовность, охоту; готовый, согласныйto be ready to go anywhere [to risk one's life] - готовый ехать куда угодно [рисковать жизнью]
I stand ready for correction - ≅ если я ошибаюсь, пусть меня поправят
I'm only too ready to accept such a proposal - я с большой охотой принимаю такое предложение
2) склонный (к чему-л.); щедрый (на что-л.)he was always ready with sarcasm - у него всегда было наготове саркастическое замечание
he is too ready to suspect - он слишком склонен к подозрительности, он всегда готов заподозрить других
don't be so ready to find fault! - не придирайтесь!
3) predic редк. старательный; послушныйshe is not very efficient, but she is ready - она не очень хороший работник, но она старается
3. 1) имеющийся наготове, под рукой; не заставляющий себя ждать или искать (часто перен.)ready position - воен. изготовка
ready wit - находчивость, остроумие
ready at hand, ready to hand(s) - находящийся под рукой
he has a ready answer for any question - у него на всё готов ответ, у него всегда ответ наготове
2) лёгкий, быстрыйthe readiest way to do smth. - самый лёгкий способ сделать что-л.
to meet (with) a ready market /sale/ - быстро /легко/ продаваться; быть нарасхват, пользоваться спросом
4. находящийся на грани (чего-л.)a bud just ready to burst - бутон, который вот-вот раскроется
she is ready to burst into tears - она вот-вот /того и гляди/ разрыдается
5. вышедший в свет, поступивший в продажу ( о книгах)now /just/ ready - только что вышел в свет
6. фин. наличный; ликвидныйready money /cash/ - наличные деньги
7. воен. боеготовыйready reserve - амер. а) боеготовый резерв; б) запас первой очереди
ready! - готов!
ready, front! - амер. смирно, равнение на середину! ( команда)
ready all! - мор. по местам! ( команда)
8. (ready-) как компонент сложных слов1) готовый2) быстрый3. [ʹredı] adv редк.ready-witted - сообразительный, находчивый
1. в готовностиthe boxes are ready packed / или packed ready/ - ящики уже окончательно упакованы
please, pack everything ready - пожалуйста, уложите вещи так, чтобы всё было готово
4. [ʹredı] vthe child that answers readiest - ребёнок, который отвечает раньше всех
1. готовить, подготавливать2. сл. подготавливать почву, обрабатывать (посредством взятки и т. п.); мошенничать (тж. ready up)♢
to ready a horse - сл. не дать своей лошади взять призовое место на скачках, придержать лошадь -
4 ready
1. n разг. наличныеpaid ready money — платил наличными; оплаченный наличными
ready cash, cash in hand — наличные деньги
2. n воен. изготовка3. a готовый; подготовленный, приготовленныйare you ready for the journey? — вы готовы к поездке?, вы собрались в дорогу?
4. a проявляющий готовность, охоту; готовый, согласныйall ready — вполне готовый; полностью, совершенно готовый
ready for issue supplies — предметы, готовые к выдаче
5. a склонный; щедрый6. a редк. старательный; послушныйshe is not very efficient, but she is ready — она не очень хороший работник, но она старается
7. a имеющийся наготове, под рукой; не заставляющий себя ждать или искатьready wit — находчивость, остроумие
ready at hand, ready to hand — находящийся под рукой
to be ready at call — быть наготове ;
8. a лёгкий, быстрыйready sale — хороший сбыт; быстрая продажа
have a ready sale — иметь хороший сбыт; быстро продаваться
9. a находящийся на грани10. a вышедший в свет, поступивший в продажуshack up with us till your house is ready — поживите у нас, пока не будет готов ваш дом
11. a фин. наличный; ликвидный12. a воен. боеготовый13. a как компонент сложных слов14. a быстрыйready-witted — сообразительный, находчивый
command a ready sale — иметь хороший сбыт; быстро продаваться
15. adv редк. в готовностиready/not ready device — устройство готовности
16. adv редк. обыкн. или быстроthe child that answers readiest — ребёнок, который отвечает раньше всех
17. v готовить, подготавливатьget ready — готовиться; приготовиться
18. v сл. подготавливать почву, обрабатывать; мошенничатьСинонимический ряд:1. adroit (adj.) adroit; alert; attentive; bright; clever; facile; keen; nimble; sharp; skillful2. available (adj.) available; handy; present3. eager (adj.) acquiescent; agreeable; ardent; cheerful; disposed; eager; enthusiastic; fain; inclined; minded; predisposed; prone; willing4. pleased (adj.) delighted; glad; happy; pleased; tickled5. prepared (adj.) adjusted; arranged; completed; equipped; fit; fitted; geared; prepared; primed; set6. quick (adj.) apt; prompt; quick7. arrange (verb) arrange; make ready; organize8. prepare (verb) fit; fix; get; make; make up; prepare9. steel (verb) brace; forearm; fortify; gird; steel; strengthenАнтонимический ряд:constrained; deficient; deliberate; disinclined; disqualified; dull; green; grudging; hesitating; immature; improper; inaccessible; indisposed; reluctant -
5 ready
1. n (звич. the ready)1) розм. готівка2) військ. приготуванняto have the gun at the ready — приготувати рушницю до бою, узяти рушницю напоготів
2. adj1) готовий; підготовлений, приготовленийare you ready for the journey? — ви зібралися в дорогу?, ви готові їхати?
5) легкий, моторний; швидкий; жвавий6) що перебуває на грані (чогось)7) що вийшов у світ; що надійшов у продаж (про книгу)8) готівковий; ліквідний9) військ. боєготовийready all! — мор. по місцях! (команда)
ready, front! — амер. струнко, рівняння на середину!
3. adv1) у готовностіplease, pack everything ready — будь ласка, складіть речі так, щоб усе було готове
2) швидко, хуткоthe child that answers readiest — дитина, яка відповідає найшвидше
4. v1) підготовляти, готувати2) готувати ґрунт, обробляти, підкуповувати (хабаром)to ready a horse — розм. стримувати свого коня, щоб добитися кращого гандикапа (на перегонах)
* * *I ['redi] n( the ready)1) готівка2) вiйcьк. приготуванняII ['redi] a1) predic готовий; підготовлений, приготовлений2) predic який проявляє готовність, бажання; готовий, згідний; схильний ( до чого-небудь); щедрий ( на що-небудь); predic старанний; слухняний3) наявний напохваті, під рукою; який не змушує себе чекати або шукати ( ready signal сигнал готовності)ready wit — спритність, дотепність; легкий, швидкий
5) опублікований, який надійшов у продаж ( про книги)6) eк. наявний; ліквідний7) вiйcьк. боєготовийready all! — мop. по місцях! ( команда)
8) як компонент складних слів ( ready) готовийready-cooked foods — кулінарні вироби; швидкий
III ['redi] advready-witted — кмітливий, спритний
1) у готовності2) compar або superl швидкоIV [`redi] v1) готувати, підготовляти2) cл. підготовляти ґрунт, обробляти (за допомогою хабара е т. п.); шахраювати ( ready up) -
6 for
[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) til2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) til; i retning af3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) i; over4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) om5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) for6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) til7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) for8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) for9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) for10) (because of: for this reason.) af11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) til12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) for13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) for14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) for15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) på trods af2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) for* * *[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) til2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) til; i retning af3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) i; over4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) om5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) for6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) til7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) for8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) for9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) for10) (because of: for this reason.) af11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) til12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) for13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) for14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) for15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) på trods af2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) for -
7 for
fo: 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) til, for2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) til, i retning av3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) i4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) om5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) for6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) til7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) for8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) for9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) for10) (because of: for this reason.) av, på grunn av11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) for, til12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) for13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) for14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) til å være15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) trass i, (til) tross (for)2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) forav--------for--------tilIprep. \/fɔː\/, trykksvak: \/fə\/1) for2) (om destinasjon, retning) til, i retning av• where is the train for London?3) til4) (beregnet) for, til (å), for5) mot, (i stedet) for, for6) på grunn av, som en følge av, for... skyld, av, for• when she saw her home town, she cried for joyda hun så hjembyen sin, gråt hun av gledespaserturen gjorde deg godt \/ du ser bedre ut etter turen din7) for, for å få, for å hente, etter, om, på8) (som representant) for, som i9) for, til forsvar for, til fordel for• are you for the plan or against it?10) for, til... å være, som... betraktet11) tross, trass i, til tross (for)til tross for alle pengene, var han likevel ulykkelig12) med tanke på, angående, med hensyn til, når det gjelder, i spørsmål om, ihan kunne like gjerne gått opp i røyk, så sporløst som han forsvant13) for, mot14) som, for, til• what did you do that for?15) på, på noens vegne, på noens regning, for16) til• for sale17) pålydende, på• a bill for £100• put my name down for £5018) ( om tidsrom) på, i, for, til19) ( om avstand) ii flere kilometer, på flere kilometers avstandact for oneself handle på egen hånd, handle selvstendigas for når det gjelder, med tanke på, hva... angårbe (all) for være (helt) for, stemme for, gå inn for, være stemt forfor all så vidt, for detfor as much as ettersom, i betraktning av atfor instance\/example for eksempelfor now for øyeblikket, foreløpig, for denne gang, i denne omgangfor one for min\/din\/sin delfor one thing for det første, for eksempelfor someone\/something to for noe(n) (til) åfor at noe skal...det er vanlig at menn gjør sånt \/ menn pleier å gjøre sånt• it is a mistake for children to be allowed to...det er galt at barn for lov til å...for to ( gammeldags eller dialekt) for åknow for certain vite med sikkerhet, være sikker påleave someone for dead forlate noen i troen på at vedkommende er død, forlate noen som dødlook\/judge for oneself dømme selv, se selvnot for me ingenting for meg• not for me a life in poverty!now for it! nå gjelder det!, til saken!now you're for it! ( hverdagslig) nå skal du få!, nå har jeg deg!oh for... jeg har så lyst på...be one for something like noe, være glad i noeso much for that det var det!, nok av\/om det!there's\/that's... for you (hverdagslig, spøkefullt) snakk om..., da kan man snakke om...there's nothing for it but to... det er ikke annet å gjøre enn å..., det er ingen annen råd enn å...what did... do that for? ( hverdagslig) hvorfor gjorde... det?what's this for? ( hverdagslig) hva brukes dette til? hva skal dette være godt for?IIkonj. \/fɔː\/, trykksvak: \/fə\/for• I asked her to stay, for I had something to tell herjeg ba henne om å bli, for jeg hadde noe å si henne -
1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) para2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) para, hacia, en dirección a3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) durante4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) (pedir dinero); (salir) a (pasear)5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) por6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) para7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) por8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) por9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) por, a favor de10) (because of: for this reason.) por, a causa de11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) para12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) para13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) por, para14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) para15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) a pesar de
2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) ya que, puesto quefor prep1. parais this the train for London? ¿es éste el tren que va a Londres?2. porI bought it for £12 lo compré por 12 libraswhat can I do for you? ¿qué puedo hacer por ti?3. desde hace4. durante5. de"T" for Tony "T" de Tonywhat's the word for "cheese" in Spanish? ¿cómo se dice "cheese" en español?6. a favor deare you for the plan, or against it? ¿estás a favor del plan, o en contra?tr[fɔːSMALLr/SMALL]1 (intended) para■ there's a phone call for Mr. Smith hay una llamada para el Sr. Smith2 (purpose) para■ what's this for? ¿para qué sirve esto?■ shall we meet for lunch? ¿quedamos para comer?3 (destination) para■ where do I catch the train for Newcastle? ¿dónde se coge el tren para Newcastle?4 (in order to help, on behalf of) por5 (because of, on account of) por, a causa de■ a meeting has been called for 10.00 se ha convocado una reunión para las 10.00■ I've lived here for 5 years hace 5 años que vivo aquí, vivo aquí desde hace 5 años■ it's the first accident here for a long time es el primer accidente que ocurre aquí desde hace mucho tiempo8 (in exchange, as replacement of) por■ I got it for £500 lo conseguí por 500 libras■ the record went for $50 el disco se vendió por 50 dólares9 (in favour of, in support of) por, a favor de■ who did you vote for? ¿a quién votaste?■ are you for or against the new laws? ¿estás a favor o en contra de las nuevas leyes?10 (despite) a pesar de, para; (considering, contrast) para■ I still love him, for all his faults lo quiero, a pesar de todos sus defectos11 (as) de, como, por■ what do they use for fuel? ¿qué utilizan de combustible?12 (in order to obtain) para■ for further details... para más información....13 (representing) por; (meaning) de■ I can't go to the meeting - will you go for me? no puedo asistir a la reunión - ¿quieres ir en mi lugar?■ what's the Spanish for "pool"? ¿cómo se dice "pool" en castellano?14 (as regards, concerning) por, en cuanto a■ for my part, he can do as he likes por mí, que haga lo que quiera■ as for him, who cares? en cuanto a él, ¿a quién le importa?■ luckily for us, it didn't rain afortunadamente para nosotros, no llovió15 (as part of, as being) por, para■ do you know that for a fact? ¿lo sabes a ciencia cierta?■ what do you want for dinner? ¿qué quieres para comer?1 para16 formal use literal ya que, puesto que\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLas for me por mi parte, en cuanto a mífor all I know que yo sepafor all that a pesar de todo, con todofor good para siemprefor the first time por primera vezfor the last time por última vezoh for...! ¡ojalá tuviera...!■ oh for a star to guide my way! ¡ojalá tuviera una estrella que me guiara los pasos!there's nothing for it but... no hay más remedio que...to be for it cargárselafor ['fɔr] conj: puesto que, porquefor prepclothes for children: ropa para niñosit's time for dinner: es la hora de comer2) because of: porfor fear of: por miedo dea gift for you: un regalo para tihe fought for his country: luchó por su patriaa cure for cancer: una cura para el cáncerfor your own good: por tu propio bienI bought it for $5: lo compré por $5a lot of trouble for nothing: mucha molestia para nada7) as for: para, con respecto ahe's going for two years: se va por dos añosI spoke for ten minutes: hablé (durante) diez minutosshe has known it for three months: lo sabe desde hace tres mesesconj.• para conj.• pues conj.• ya que conj.n.• por s.m.prep.• a causa de prep.• como prep.• de prep.• durante prep.• en honor de prep.• en lugar de prep.• para prep.• por prep.
I fɔːr, fɔː(r), weak form fər, fə(r)1) preposition2)a) ( intended for) parais there a letter for me? — ¿hay carta para mí?
clothes for men/women — ropa de hombre/mujer
is it for sale? — ¿está en venta?, ¿se vende?
b) ( on behalf of) porhe plays for England — forma parte de or juega en la selección inglesa
c) ( in favor of) a favor de3) ( indicating purpose)what's that for? — ¿para qué es eso?, ¿eso para qué sirve?
it's for trimming hedges — es or sirve para recortar setos
to go out for a meal — salir* a comer fuera
to be for it — (colloq)
here comes Dad, we're for it now! — ahí viene papá ahora sí que estamos listos or (Col tb) hechos or (CS tb) fritos! (fam)
4)a) (as)we're having chicken for dinner — vamos a cenar pollo or hay pollo para cenar
what's for dessert? — ¿qué hay de postre?
b) ( representing)what's (the) German for ``ice cream''? — ¿cómo se dice ``helado'' en alemán?
c) ( instead of) porcould you call him for me? — ¿podrías llamarlo tú?, ¿me harías el favor de llamarlo?
5) ( giving reason) porif it weren't for Joe... — si no fuera por Joe...
for one thing it's too costly and for another we don't need it — para empezar es muy caro y además no lo necesitamos
6)a) ( in exchange for) porI bought the book for $10 — compré el libro por 10 dólares
b) ( indicating proportion) porfor every one we find, there are 20 that get away — por cada uno que encontramos, se nos escapan 20
7)a) ( as concerns) para8)a) ( in spite of)for all her faults, she's been very kind to us — tendrá sus defectos, pero con nosotros ha sido muy buena
is there time for us to have a cup of coffee? — ¿tenemos tiempo de tomar un café?
9) ( in exclamations)oh, for some peace and quiet — qué (no) daría yo por un poco de paz y tranquilidad!
10) ( in the direction of) parathe plane/bus for New York — el avión/autobús para or de Nueva York
11)a) ( indicating duration)I've only been here for a day — sólo llevo un día aquí, hace sólo un día que estoy aquí
how long are you going for? — ¿por cuánto tiempo vas?, ¿cuánto tiempo te vas a quedar?
b) ( on the occasion of) parac) (by, before) para12) ( indicating distance)
conjunction (liter) pues (liter), puesto que (frml), porqueABBR= free on rail franco en ferrocarril* * *
I [fɔːr, fɔː(r)], weak form [fər, fə(r)]1) preposition2)a) ( intended for) parais there a letter for me? — ¿hay carta para mí?
clothes for men/women — ropa de hombre/mujer
is it for sale? — ¿está en venta?, ¿se vende?
b) ( on behalf of) porhe plays for England — forma parte de or juega en la selección inglesa
c) ( in favor of) a favor de3) ( indicating purpose)what's that for? — ¿para qué es eso?, ¿eso para qué sirve?
it's for trimming hedges — es or sirve para recortar setos
to go out for a meal — salir* a comer fuera
to be for it — (colloq)
here comes Dad, we're for it now! — ahí viene papá ahora sí que estamos listos or (Col tb) hechos or (CS tb) fritos! (fam)
4)a) (as)we're having chicken for dinner — vamos a cenar pollo or hay pollo para cenar
what's for dessert? — ¿qué hay de postre?
b) ( representing)what's (the) German for ``ice cream''? — ¿cómo se dice ``helado'' en alemán?
c) ( instead of) porcould you call him for me? — ¿podrías llamarlo tú?, ¿me harías el favor de llamarlo?
5) ( giving reason) porif it weren't for Joe... — si no fuera por Joe...
for one thing it's too costly and for another we don't need it — para empezar es muy caro y además no lo necesitamos
6)a) ( in exchange for) porI bought the book for $10 — compré el libro por 10 dólares
b) ( indicating proportion) porfor every one we find, there are 20 that get away — por cada uno que encontramos, se nos escapan 20
7)a) ( as concerns) para8)a) ( in spite of)for all her faults, she's been very kind to us — tendrá sus defectos, pero con nosotros ha sido muy buena
is there time for us to have a cup of coffee? — ¿tenemos tiempo de tomar un café?
9) ( in exclamations)oh, for some peace and quiet — qué (no) daría yo por un poco de paz y tranquilidad!
10) ( in the direction of) parathe plane/bus for New York — el avión/autobús para or de Nueva York
11)a) ( indicating duration)I've only been here for a day — sólo llevo un día aquí, hace sólo un día que estoy aquí
how long are you going for? — ¿por cuánto tiempo vas?, ¿cuánto tiempo te vas a quedar?
b) ( on the occasion of) parac) (by, before) para12) ( indicating distance)
conjunction (liter) pues (liter), puesto que (frml), porque -
9 for
1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) para2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) para, hacia, en dirección a3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) durante4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) (pedir dinero); (salir) a (pasear)5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) por6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) para7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) por8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) por9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) por, a favor de10) (because of: for this reason.) por, a causa de11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) para12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) para13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) por, para14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) para15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) a pesar de
2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) ya que, puesto quefor prep1. parais this the train for London? ¿es éste el tren que va a Londres?2. porI bought it for £12 lo compré por 12 libraswhat can I do for you? ¿qué puedo hacer por ti?3. desde hace4. durante5. de"T" for Tony "T" de Tonywhat's the word for "cheese" in Spanish? ¿cómo se dice "cheese" en español?6. a favor deare you for the plan, or against it? ¿estás a favor del plan, o en contra?tr[fɔːSMALLr/SMALL]1 (intended) para■ there's a phone call for Mr. Smith hay una llamada para el Sr. Smith2 (purpose) para■ what's this for? ¿para qué sirve esto?■ shall we meet for lunch? ¿quedamos para comer?3 (destination) para■ where do I catch the train for Newcastle? ¿dónde se coge el tren para Newcastle?4 (in order to help, on behalf of) por5 (because of, on account of) por, a causa de■ a meeting has been called for 10.00 se ha convocado una reunión para las 10.00■ I've lived here for 5 years hace 5 años que vivo aquí, vivo aquí desde hace 5 años■ it's the first accident here for a long time es el primer accidente que ocurre aquí desde hace mucho tiempo8 (in exchange, as replacement of) por■ I got it for £500 lo conseguí por 500 libras■ the record went for $50 el disco se vendió por 50 dólares9 (in favour of, in support of) por, a favor de■ who did you vote for? ¿a quién votaste?■ are you for or against the new laws? ¿estás a favor o en contra de las nuevas leyes?10 (despite) a pesar de, para; (considering, contrast) para■ I still love him, for all his faults lo quiero, a pesar de todos sus defectos11 (as) de, como, por■ what do they use for fuel? ¿qué utilizan de combustible?12 (in order to obtain) para■ for further details... para más información....13 (representing) por; (meaning) de■ I can't go to the meeting - will you go for me? no puedo asistir a la reunión - ¿quieres ir en mi lugar?■ what's the Spanish for "pool"? ¿cómo se dice "pool" en castellano?14 (as regards, concerning) por, en cuanto a■ for my part, he can do as he likes por mí, que haga lo que quiera■ as for him, who cares? en cuanto a él, ¿a quién le importa?■ luckily for us, it didn't rain afortunadamente para nosotros, no llovió15 (as part of, as being) por, para■ do you know that for a fact? ¿lo sabes a ciencia cierta?■ what do you want for dinner? ¿qué quieres para comer?1 para16 formal use literal ya que, puesto que\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLas for me por mi parte, en cuanto a mífor all I know que yo sepafor all that a pesar de todo, con todofor good para siemprefor the first time por primera vezfor the last time por última vezoh for...! ¡ojalá tuviera...!■ oh for a star to guide my way! ¡ojalá tuviera una estrella que me guiara los pasos!there's nothing for it but... no hay más remedio que...to be for it cargárselafor ['fɔr] conj: puesto que, porquefor prepclothes for children: ropa para niñosit's time for dinner: es la hora de comer2) because of: porfor fear of: por miedo dea gift for you: un regalo para tihe fought for his country: luchó por su patriaa cure for cancer: una cura para el cáncerfor your own good: por tu propio bienI bought it for $5: lo compré por $5a lot of trouble for nothing: mucha molestia para nada7) as for: para, con respecto ahe's going for two years: se va por dos añosI spoke for ten minutes: hablé (durante) diez minutosshe has known it for three months: lo sabe desde hace tres mesesconj.• para conj.• pues conj.• ya que conj.n.• por s.m.prep.• a causa de prep.• como prep.• de prep.• durante prep.• en honor de prep.• en lugar de prep.• para prep.• por prep.
I fɔːr, fɔː(r), weak form fər, fə(r)1) preposition2)a) ( intended for) parais there a letter for me? — ¿hay carta para mí?
clothes for men/women — ropa de hombre/mujer
is it for sale? — ¿está en venta?, ¿se vende?
b) ( on behalf of) porhe plays for England — forma parte de or juega en la selección inglesa
c) ( in favor of) a favor de3) ( indicating purpose)what's that for? — ¿para qué es eso?, ¿eso para qué sirve?
it's for trimming hedges — es or sirve para recortar setos
to go out for a meal — salir* a comer fuera
to be for it — (colloq)
here comes Dad, we're for it now! — ahí viene papá ahora sí que estamos listos or (Col tb) hechos or (CS tb) fritos! (fam)
4)a) (as)we're having chicken for dinner — vamos a cenar pollo or hay pollo para cenar
what's for dessert? — ¿qué hay de postre?
b) ( representing)what's (the) German for ``ice cream''? — ¿cómo se dice ``helado'' en alemán?
c) ( instead of) porcould you call him for me? — ¿podrías llamarlo tú?, ¿me harías el favor de llamarlo?
5) ( giving reason) porif it weren't for Joe... — si no fuera por Joe...
for one thing it's too costly and for another we don't need it — para empezar es muy caro y además no lo necesitamos
6)a) ( in exchange for) porI bought the book for $10 — compré el libro por 10 dólares
b) ( indicating proportion) porfor every one we find, there are 20 that get away — por cada uno que encontramos, se nos escapan 20
7)a) ( as concerns) para8)a) ( in spite of)for all her faults, she's been very kind to us — tendrá sus defectos, pero con nosotros ha sido muy buena
is there time for us to have a cup of coffee? — ¿tenemos tiempo de tomar un café?
9) ( in exclamations)oh, for some peace and quiet — qué (no) daría yo por un poco de paz y tranquilidad!
10) ( in the direction of) parathe plane/bus for New York — el avión/autobús para or de Nueva York
11)a) ( indicating duration)I've only been here for a day — sólo llevo un día aquí, hace sólo un día que estoy aquí
how long are you going for? — ¿por cuánto tiempo vas?, ¿cuánto tiempo te vas a quedar?
b) ( on the occasion of) parac) (by, before) para12) ( indicating distance)
conjunction (liter) pues (liter), puesto que (frml), porque[fɔː(r)] When for is part of a phrasal verb, eg look for, make for, stand for, look up the verb. When it is part of a set combination, eg as for, a gift for, for sale, eager for, look up the other word.1. PREPOSITION1) (=going to) parathe train for London — el tren para or de Londres
2) (=intended for) parais this for me? — ¿es para mí esto?
3) (to express purpose) parawe went to Tossa for our holidays — fuimos a pasar las vacaciones a Tossa, fuimos a Tossa para las vacaciones
what for? — ¿para qué?what's it for? — ¿para qué es or sirve?
what do you want it for? — ¿para qué lo quieres?
what did you do that for? — ¿por qué hiciste eso?
4) (employment) para5) (=on behalf of)"I can't iron this shirt" - "don't worry, I'll iron it for you" — -no puedo planchar esta camisa -no te preocupes, yo te la plancho
"I still haven't booked the ticket" - "I'll do it for you" — -no he reservado el billete todavía -ya lo haré yo
who is the representative for your group? — ¿quién es el representante de vuestro grupo?
6) (=as in) de7) (=in exchange for) porhe'll do it for £25 — lo hará por 25 libras
for every one who voted yes, 50 voted no — por cada persona que votó a favor, 50 votaron en contra
to pay 50 pence for a ticket — pagar 50 peniques por una entradathe government will match each donation pound for pound — el gobierno igualará cada donativo, libra a libra
I sold it for £5 — lo vendí por or en 5 libras8) (=to the value of)a cheque for £500 — un cheque or talón por valor de 500 libras
how much is the cheque for? — ¿por cuánto es el cheque?
a) (making comparisons) parahe's tall/mature for his age — es alto/maduro para su edad or para la edad que tiene
b) (specifying)it was too difficult for her — era demasiado difícil para ella, le era demasiado difícil
that's easy for you to say — para ti es fácil decirlo, a ti te es fácil decirlo
10) (=in favour of) a favor deanyone for a game of cards? — ¿alguien se apunta a una partida de cartas?
are you for or against the idea? — ¿estás a favor o en contra de la idea?are you for or against us? — ¿estás con nosotros o en contra?
I'm all for it — estoy completamente a favor•
the campaign for human rights — la campaña pro derechos humanos, la campaña en pro de los derechos humanos•
a collection for the poor — una colecta a beneficio de los pobres11) (=as, by way of)what's for dinner? — ¿qué hay para cenar?
12) (=because of) por•
for fear of being criticized — por miedo a la crítica, por temor a ser criticado13) (=in spite of) a pesar de•
for all his wealth — a pesar de su riquezafor all he promised to come, he didn't — a pesar de habérmelo prometido, no vino
a) (future/past duration)When translating for and a period of time, it is often unnecessary to translate for, as in the examples below where durante is optional:Alternatively, translate [for] using [durante], or, especially when talking about very short periods, [por]. Use [por] also with the verb [ir], although again it is often optional in this case:I'm going for three weeks — me voy tres semanas, estaré allí tres semanas
for a moment, he didn't know what to say — por un momento, no supo qué decir
Use hace... que and the present to describe actions and states that started in the past and are still going on. Alternatively use the present and desde hace. Another option is sometimes llevar and the gerund. Don't use the present perfect in Spanish to translate phrases like these, unless they are in the negative.he won't be back for a couple of hours/days — no regresará hasta dentro de un par de horas/días, tardará un par de horas/días en regresar
he has been learning French for two years — hace dos años que estudia francés, estudia francés desde hace dos años, lleva dos años estudiando francés
it has not rained for 3 weeks — hace 3 semanas que no llueve, no llueve or no ha llovido desde hace 3 semanas, lleva 3 semanas sin llover
I have known her for years — hace años que la conozco, la conozco desde hace años
Notice how the tenses change when talking about something that [had] happened or [had been] happening [for] a time:I haven't seen her for two years — hace dos años que no la veo, no la he visto desde hace dos años, no la veo desde hace dos años, llevo dos años sin verla
he had been learning French for two years — hacía dos años que estudiaba francés, estudiaba francés desde hacía dos años, llevaba dos años estudiando francés
I hadn't seen her for two years — hacía dos años que no la veía, no la había visto desde hacía dos años, no la veía desde hacía dos años, llevaba dos años sin verla
15) (=by, before) paracan you do it for tomorrow? — ¿lo puedes hacer para mañana?
when does he want it for? — ¿para cuándo lo quiere?
16) (=on the occasion of) parahe asked his daughter what she would like for her birthday — le preguntó a su hija qué le gustaría para su cumpleaños
17) (=for a distance of)you can see for miles from the top of the hill — desde lo alto de la colina se puede ver hasta muy lejos
for this to be possible... — para que esto sea posible...
it's not for me to tell him what to do — yo no soy quien para decirle or no me corresponde a mí decirle lo que tiene que hacer
it's bad for you to smoke so much — te perjudica fumar tanto•
it's best for you to go — es mejor que te vayas•
there is still time for you to do it — todavía tienes tiempo para hacerlowhat's the German for "hill"? — ¿cómo se dice "colina" en alemán?
oh for a cup of tea! — ¡lo que daría por una taza de té!
exampleI'll be for it if he catches me here! * — ¡me la voy a cargar si me pilla aquí! *
2.CONJUNCTION liter pues, puesto queshe avoided him, for he was rude and uncouth — lo eludía puesto que or pues era grosero y ordinario
* * *
I [fɔːr, fɔː(r)], weak form [fər, fə(r)]1) preposition2)a) ( intended for) parais there a letter for me? — ¿hay carta para mí?
clothes for men/women — ropa de hombre/mujer
is it for sale? — ¿está en venta?, ¿se vende?
b) ( on behalf of) porhe plays for England — forma parte de or juega en la selección inglesa
c) ( in favor of) a favor de3) ( indicating purpose)what's that for? — ¿para qué es eso?, ¿eso para qué sirve?
it's for trimming hedges — es or sirve para recortar setos
to go out for a meal — salir* a comer fuera
to be for it — (colloq)
here comes Dad, we're for it now! — ahí viene papá ahora sí que estamos listos or (Col tb) hechos or (CS tb) fritos! (fam)
4)a) (as)we're having chicken for dinner — vamos a cenar pollo or hay pollo para cenar
what's for dessert? — ¿qué hay de postre?
b) ( representing)what's (the) German for ``ice cream''? — ¿cómo se dice ``helado'' en alemán?
c) ( instead of) porcould you call him for me? — ¿podrías llamarlo tú?, ¿me harías el favor de llamarlo?
5) ( giving reason) porif it weren't for Joe... — si no fuera por Joe...
for one thing it's too costly and for another we don't need it — para empezar es muy caro y además no lo necesitamos
6)a) ( in exchange for) porI bought the book for $10 — compré el libro por 10 dólares
b) ( indicating proportion) porfor every one we find, there are 20 that get away — por cada uno que encontramos, se nos escapan 20
7)a) ( as concerns) para8)a) ( in spite of)for all her faults, she's been very kind to us — tendrá sus defectos, pero con nosotros ha sido muy buena
is there time for us to have a cup of coffee? — ¿tenemos tiempo de tomar un café?
9) ( in exclamations)oh, for some peace and quiet — qué (no) daría yo por un poco de paz y tranquilidad!
10) ( in the direction of) parathe plane/bus for New York — el avión/autobús para or de Nueva York
11)a) ( indicating duration)I've only been here for a day — sólo llevo un día aquí, hace sólo un día que estoy aquí
how long are you going for? — ¿por cuánto tiempo vas?, ¿cuánto tiempo te vas a quedar?
b) ( on the occasion of) parac) (by, before) para12) ( indicating distance)
conjunction (liter) pues (liter), puesto que (frml), porque -
10 for
[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) para2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) para3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) durante4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) QUERY (PHRASAL VERB)5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) por6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) para7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) por8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) por9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) por10) (because of: for this reason.) por11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) para12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) para/por13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) por14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) para15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) apesar de2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) pois* * *[fɔ:] prep 1 por, em lugar de, em vez de. we used boxes for chairs / usamos caixas em vez de cadeiras. 2 por, em prol de, em defesa de, a favor de. they voted for Roosevelt / eles votaram em Roosevelt. 3 de, representante de, em nome de. the lawyer acts for his client / o advogado age em nome de seu cliente. 4 por, para, à razão de, ao preço de. these apples are twelve for a dollar / estas maçãs custam um dólar a dúzia. 5 para, a fim de, no intuito de. he ran for his life / ele correu para salvar a vida. 6 para, a fim de, em consideração de. he went for a walk / ele foi dar um passeio. 7 para, em busca de. 8 para, com destino a. he has just left for New York / ele acaba de partir para Nova York. we have a present for you / temos um presente para você. 9 para, próprio de, acomodado a. 10 por, por causa de, em razão de, devido a. he was punished for stealing / ele foi condenado por ter furtado. 11 para, em honra de. they died for their country / eles morreram pela pátria. a party was given for her / foi dada uma festa em sua honra. 12 de, por, com afeição ou sentimento por. 13 para, a respeito de, com relação a, pelo que toca a, enquanto a. 14 numa extensão de, numa duração de. 15 como, na qualidade de. 16 a despeito de, apesar de, não obstante. 17 para, em vista de, em proporção de, não obstante. 18 de, no valor de. 19 durante. 20 para, em auxílio de. may I hold the umbrella for you? / permita-me segurar-lhe o guarda-chuva? 21 para, na ocasião de. 22 de, por, na quantidade de. 23 para, apropriado para, adaptado a. books for children / livros para crianças. 24 por, dirigido a. 25 para, na direção de. the train for London / o trem para Londres. 26 para, equivalente a. • conj pois, visto que, desde que, já que. we can’t go, for it is raining / não podemos ir porque está chovendo. I did it, for I thought it right / fi-lo, porque o achei justo. for all his efforts, he did not succeed / apesar de todos seus esforços ele não se saiu bem. for all the improvement you have made last year, you might give up / em vista do pouco progresso que fez no ano passado, você deveria desistir. arrested for murder preso por assassínio. as for me quanto a mim. bound for destinada para. but for this a não ser assim. eating too much is bad for one’s health comer demais faz mal à saúde. for account and at the risk of the consignee por conta e risco do consignatário. for a draught of vintage! quem me dera tomar um gole de vinho! for all he is so rich por rico que seja. for all his faults, we like him still apesar de todos os seus defeitos, gostamos dele. for all I know ao que me é dado supor. for all that não obstante isso, apesar disso. for a song por uma pechincha. for a while por algum tempo. for cash down contra pagamento à vista. for certain com certeza. for example por exemplo. for fear of por medo de. for free sl grátis. for fun por brincadeira. for his part por sua parte, por parte dele. for hours durante horas. for how long? por quanto tempo? for love por amor. for me pelo que me diz respeito. for miles about numa extensão de milhas ao redor. for nothing de graça, gratuitamente. for one poisonous snake there are many harmless ones para cada cobra venenosa há muitas inofensivas. for our account por nossa conta. for sure com certeza. for that matter quanto a isso. for the last time pela última vez. for the present, for the time being por ora, por enquanto. for the time to come para o futuro. for the whole year para todo o ano. for this reason por essa razão, por esse motivo. for two years por dois anos. for want of por falta de. for what remains quanto ao mais. for years há anos. for your sake por sua causa. good for nothing imprestável. he has earned a holiday for himself ele fez jus a um dia de licença. he is hard up for money ele está em apertos financeiros. he is not long for this world ele não tardará a morrer. he won’t be back for hours ele não voltará antes de algumas horas. I for one quanto a mim. I go in for tennis eu gosto de tênis. I got it for a reward recebi-o em recompensa. I know him for conheço-o como. I long for a rest anseio por um descanso. it is for you to do compete-lhe fazer. it is for you to propose compete ao senhor fazer proposta. it is usual for her to take a walk every day ela costuma dar um passeio todo dia. it was for nothing foi debalde. not for anything por nada. now for it! mãos à obra! once for all uma vez por todas. ready for action pronto para o combate. she reads well for her age ela lê bem para a sua idade. she wept for ela chorou por. that is the man for me é este o homem que me faz falta. the first free day for years o primeiro dia livre há anos. there is nothing for it but não há remédio senão. to be in for estar sob a ameaça de. to be in for it estar em maus lençóis. too beautiful for words indescritivelmente belo. to play for pennies jogar a vintém. to write for money escrever pedindo dinheiro. we longed for home estávamos com saudade de casa. were it not for you se não fosse você. we sent for a doctor mandamos chamar um médico. what for? para quê? word for word palavra por palavra. you have spoiled our day for us você nos estragou o dia. -
11 for
[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) za2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) proti3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) v; čez4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) za; na5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) za6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) za7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) za8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) za9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) za10) (because of: for this reason.) zaradi11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) za12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) za13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) za14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) za15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) kljub2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) ker* * *I [fɔ:, fə]prepositionza; zaradi; proti; namesto; glede nafor all — navzlic, kljubas for me — kar se mene tiče, zastran menecolloquially to be in for, to be for it — pričakovati (sitnosti, težave)colloquially to be out for — nameravatibut for — ko bi ne bilo, breznow for them! — na juriš!slang to go for a soldier — postati vojakto give a Roland for an Oliver — poplačati enako z enakim, vrniti milo za dragohe wants for nothing — nič mu ne manjka, vsega ima dovoljfor all ( —ali aught) I know... — kolikor je meni znano...for instance, for example — na primerto look for s.th. — iskati kajfor shame! — sram te (vas) bodi!she could not speak for weeping — tako se je jokala, da ni mogla govoritiMary for ever! — naj živi Marija!II [fɔ:]conjunctionkajti; ker; zato, ker; zaradi; za -
12 for
[fɔː(r)] 1. prep1) ( indicating recipient) dla +gen2) (indicating destination, application) do +gen3) ( indicating intention) po +acc4) ( indicating purpose)give it to me — what for? — daj mi to — po co?
5) ( representing)the MP for Hove — poseł/posłanka m/f z Hove
N for Nan — ≈ N jak Natalia
6) ( because of) z +gen7) ( with regard to)8) ( in exchange for) za +acc9) ( in favour of) za +instrare you for or against us? — jesteś za nami, czy przeciwko nam?
10) ( referring to distance) (przez) +acc11) ( referring to time)12) ( with infinitive clause)it would be best for you to leave — byłoby najlepiej, gdybyś wyjechał
13) ( in spite of) (po)mimo +gen2. conj ( fml)for all his complaints, he is very fond of her — (po)mimo wszystkich zastrzeżeń, bardzo ją lubi
ponieważ, gdyżshe was very angry, for he was late again — była bardzo zła, ponieważ or gdyż znów się spóźnił
* * *[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) dla2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) do, w kierunku3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) przez4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) o, w celu, na5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) za6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) do7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) z8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) dla9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) za10) (because of: for this reason.) z powodu11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) na12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) do, dla13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) za14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) jak na15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) mimo2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) ponieważ -
13 for
[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) fyrir; handa; til2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) til3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) í4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) um, í5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) fyrir6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) fyrir7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) fyrir8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) fyrir (hönd e-s)9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) með, til stuðnings10) (because of: for this reason.) vegna, fyrir11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) fyrir12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) fyrir13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) fyrir14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) miðað við15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) þrátt fyrir2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) vegna -
14 for
[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) részére, -nak, -nek2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) felé3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) -n át4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) miatt; -ért; -ra, -re5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) -ért6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) -ra, -re7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) Hull képviselője8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) vki érdekében, -ért9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) vmi mellett10) (because of: for this reason.) miatt11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) céljából, -ra, -re12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) iránt13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) -val, -vel14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) képest15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) vmi ellenére2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) ugyanis, mert -
15 FOR
[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) para2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) para3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) durante4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) QUERY (PHRASAL VERB)5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) por6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) para7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) por8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) por9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) por10) (because of: for this reason.) por11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) para12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) para/por13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) por14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) para15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) apesar de2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) pois* * *abbr free on rails (livre de despesas até ser posto no trem). -
16 for
conj. dolayı, nedeniyle, çünkü, zira————————prep. için, göre, amacıyla, doğru, uygun, yönünde, yarayan, karşı, dolayı, sebebiyle* * *[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) için,...-e/-a2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.)...-e/-a3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) süresince,...-dir/-dır4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.)...-mek/-mak için5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.)...-e/-a,...-in karşılığında6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) için7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) için, adına8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) için, adına9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) taraftar, lehinde10) (because of: for this reason.) için, yüzünden11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) için, amacıyla12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.)...-e/-a13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.)...olarak14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).)...-e/-a göre, göz önüne alınırsa15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.)...-e rağmen2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) çünkü, zira -
17 for
• omia• palvella• nimissä• hyväksi• jostakin huolimatta• jonkin takia• jollekulle• tähden• havitella• vastenmielisyys• vartentransport• vapaasti rautatievaunussa• vastaan• edestä• eduksi• eteen• sijasta• sijaan• sillä• ajaksi• asemesta• vuoksi• puolen• puolesta• puolella• puolelle• päästä jonnekin• katsoen• kohden• myötä• soveltua• suhteen• taipumus• takia* * *fo: 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) jollekin, varten2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) johonkin, kohti3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) verran4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) jotakin, johonkin5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) jostakin6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) johonkin, varten7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) puolesta8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) puolesta9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) puolella10) (because of: for this reason.) syystä11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) varten12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) johonkin, kohtaan13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) joksikin14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).)15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) huolimatta2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) sillä -
18 for
aggettivo e avverbio abbr. free on rail franco ferrovia* * *[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) per2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) per3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) per4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) di; a5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) per6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) per7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) per8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) per9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) pro, a favore10) (because of: for this reason.) per11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) per12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) per13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.) per14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).) per15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) malgrado, nonostante2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) perché* * *aggettivo e avverbio abbr. free on rail franco ferrovia -
19 for
[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.) priekš2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) (norāda virzienu) uz3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) (norāda attālumu vai laika posmu)4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.) (norāda uz nolūku)5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) (norāda vērtību) par6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.) (norāda uz mērķi)7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) (pārstāvot kādu) no8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) (kāda) labā9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) par10) (because of: for this reason.) dēļ11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.) (norāda nolūku)12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.) (norāda attieksmi, spējas)13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.)14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).)15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) neskatoties uz; par spīti2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) jo; tāpēc ka* * *tāpēc ka, jo ; priekš; par; labad, dēļ, aiz; pret; pēc; uz ; no -
20 for
[fo:] 1. preposition1) (to be given or sent to: This letter is for you.)2) (towards; in the direction of: We set off for London.) į3) (through a certain time or distance: for three hours; for three miles.) per4) (in order to have, get, be etc: He asked me for some money; Go for a walk.)5) (in return; as payment: He paid $2 for his ticket.) už6) (in order to be prepared: He's getting ready for the journey.)7) (representing: He is the member of parliament for Hull.) atstovaujantis kam8) (on behalf of: Will you do it for me?) už9) (in favour of: Are you for or against the plan?) už10) (because of: for this reason.) dėl11) (having a particular purpose: She gave me money for the bus fare.)12) (indicating an ability or an attitude to: a talent for baking; an ear for music.)13) (as being: They mistook him for someone else.)14) (considering what is used in the case of: It is quite warm for January (= considering that it is January when it is usually cold).)15) (in spite of: For all his money, he didn't seem happy.) nežiūrint2. conjunction(because: It must be late, for I have been here a long time.) nes
См. также в других словарях:
Ready — Read y (r[e^]d [y^]), a. [Compar. {Readier} (r[e^]d [i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Readiest}.] [AS. r[=ae]de; akin to D. gereed, bereid, G. bereit, Goth. gar[ a]ids fixed, arranged, and possibly to E. ride, as meaning originally, prepared for riding. Cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ready money — Ready Read y (r[e^]d [y^]), a. [Compar. {Readier} (r[e^]d [i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Readiest}.] [AS. r[=ae]de; akin to D. gereed, bereid, G. bereit, Goth. gar[ a]ids fixed, arranged, and possibly to E. ride, as meaning originally, prepared for riding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ready reckoner — Ready Read y (r[e^]d [y^]), a. [Compar. {Readier} (r[e^]d [i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Readiest}.] [AS. r[=ae]de; akin to D. gereed, bereid, G. bereit, Goth. gar[ a]ids fixed, arranged, and possibly to E. ride, as meaning originally, prepared for riding … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ready — read|y1 [ˈredi] adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(prepared)¦ 2¦(for immediate use)¦ 3 have something ready 4 be/feel ready for something 5 be ready to do something 6¦(willing)¦ 7¦(quick)¦ 8 ready money/cash 9 ready, steady, go! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1100 1200; … Dictionary of contemporary English
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Get Down (You're the One for Me) — «Get down (you re the one for me)» Сингл Backstreet Boys c альбома «Backstreet Boys» Выпу … Википедия
Get Down (You’re the One for Me) — «Get down (you re the one for me)» Сингл Backstreet Boys … Википедия
Get Down (You're The One For Me) — «Get Down (You re The One For Me)» Sencillo de Backstreet Boys del álbum Backstreet Boys Grabación Agosto de 1995 Género(s) Pop, Rap Duración 3:52 … Wikipedia Español
ready — 1 adjective 1 PREPARED (not before noun) prepared for what you are going to do: Come on. Aren t you ready yet? | ready to do sth: Everything s packed, and we re ready to leave. (+ for): I don t want to take the test yet; I m not ready for it. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Get Down (You're the One for Me) — Infobox Single Name = Get Down (You re the One for Me) Caption = International CD single cover Artist = The Backstreet Boys from Album = Backstreet Boys Released = April 30, 1996 (International) Recorded = 1995 Genre = Pop Dance Length = 3:52… … Wikipedia
get — [c]/gɛt / (say get) verb (got, got or, Chiefly US, gotten, Archaic, gat, getting) –verb (t) 1. to obtain, gain, or acquire by any means: to get favour by service; get a good price. 2. to fetch or bring: I w …